Исходный код lena.variables.variable

"""Variables are functions to transform data adding context.

A variable can represent a particle type, a coordinate, etc.
They transform raw input data into Lena data with context.
Variables have name and may have other attributes
like LaTeX name, dimension or unit.

Variables can be composed using :class:`Compose`,
which corresponds to function composition.

Variables can be combined into multidimensional variables
using :class:`Combine`.


>>> from lena.variables import Variable, Compose
>>> # data is pairs of (positron, neutron) coordinates
>>> data = [((1.05, 0.98, 0.8), (1.1, 1.1, 1.3))]
>>> x = Variable(
...    "x", lambda coord: coord[0], type="coordinate"
... )
>>> positron = Variable(
...    "positron", latex_name="e^+",
...    getter=lambda double_ev: double_ev[0], type="particle"
... )
>>> x_e = Compose(positron, x)
>>> x_e(data[0])[0]
>>> x_e(data[0])[1] == {
...    'variable': {
...        'name': 'x',
...        'coordinate': {'name': 'x'},
...        'type': 'coordinate',
...        'compose': ['particle', 'coordinate'],
...        'particle': {'name': 'positron', 'latex_name': 'e^+'}
...    }
... }

:class:`Combine` and :class:`Compose` are subclasses
of a :class:`Variable`.
import copy
from copy import deepcopy

import lena.core
import lena.context
import lena.flow

[документация]class Variable(object): """Function of data with context.""" def __init__(self, name, getter, type="", **kwargs): """*name* is variable's name. *getter* is a Python function (not a :class:`Variable`) that performs the actual transformation of data. It must accept data and return data without context. Other variable's attributes can be passed as keyword arguments. Examples include *latex_name*, *unit* (like *cm* or *keV*), *range*, etc. *type* is the type of the variable. It depends on your application, examples could be "coordinate" or "particle". It has a special meaning: if present, its value is added to variable's context as a key with the context of this variable (see the example for this module). It is recommended to set the type, otherwise variable's data will be lost after composition of variables. **Attributes** *getter* *var_context* is the dictionary of attributes of the variable. It is added to *context.variable* during :meth:`__call__`. All public attributes of a variable can be accessed using dot notation (for example, *var.var_context["latex_name"]* can be written as *var.latex_name*). :exc:`.AttributeError` is raised if an attribute is missing. If *getter* is a :class:`Variable` or is not callable, :exc:`.LenaTypeError` is raised. """ if isinstance(getter, Variable): raise lena.core.LenaTypeError( "getter should be a function on data, not a Variable " "{}".format(getter) ) if not callable(getter): raise lena.core.LenaTypeError( "getter must callable, {} given".format(getter) ) # getter is public for possible performance implementations # (without context) # But probably for unification with other "performance" features # its name may be changed in the future. object.__setattr__(self, "getter", getter) # getter doesn't go into var_context. # since we have setattr, we must use this syntax here. # self.getter = getter # var_context is public, so that one can get all attributes object.__setattr__(self, "var_context", {"name": name,}) self.var_context.update(**kwargs) if type: # to take less space in context; this is obvious. # self.var_context["type"] = type varc = self.var_context varc.update( {type: deepcopy(varc)} ) # we store type in this variable context, # but not in its type subcontext. varc["type"] = type
[документация] def __call__(self, value): """Transform a *value*. Data part of the value is transformed by *getter*. *context.variable* is updated with the context of this variable (or created if missing). If context already contained *variable*, it is preserved as *context.variable.compose* subcontext. """ data, context = lena.flow.get_data_context(value) data = self.getter(data) # Run and Call elements don't make a deep copy of context. # update_context was made a separate function, # because it was supposed to be used in a different place # (like SplitIntoBins or IterateBins) - but not needed now. # Maybe _update_context call should be optimized out. # deep copy, because we don't know # whether users will have nested keys self._update_context(context, copy.deepcopy(self.var_context)) return (data, context)
def __getattr__(self, name): # otherwise infinite recursion (solved by this answer): # The __setstate__ method copy.copy() is looking for is optional, # and your class indeed has no such attribute. # https://stackoverflow.com/a/34950256/952234 if name.startswith('_'): raise AttributeError(name) var_context = object.__getattribute__(self, "var_context") try: return var_context[name] except KeyError: raise lena.core.LenaAttributeError( "{} missing in {}".format(name, self.name) ) def __setattr__(self, name, value): # otherwise updated attributes won't affect the context self.var_context[name] = value # todo: is this function really needed? Shall we delete that? # def get(self, key, default=None): # """Return the attribute *key* if present, else default. # *key* can be a dot-separated string, a list or a dictionary # (see :func:`context.get_recursively <.get_recursively>`). # If default is not given, it defaults to ``None``, # so that this method never raises a :exc:`KeyError`. # """ # return lena.context.get_recursively( # self.var_context, key, default=default # ) @staticmethod def _update_context(context, var_context): # this method is private, because its exact signature # is not clear at the moment. It could be a static, # maybe a class method or an instance method. # An instance method would be easiest to use (and # wouldn't need to copy var_context from somewhere) # however a static method would allow to update # contexts from their dictionaries (in the context) # - but is that really needed?.. # no deep copy of var_context is made # (do it in user code if needed) cvar = context.get("variable") # preserve variable composition information if that is present composed = [] if cvar and ("type" in cvar): # If cvar has no "type", # then no types were in the recent variable or earlier if "type" in var_context: cur_type = var_context["type"] else: cur_type = [] if "compose" in cvar: assert isinstance(cvar["compose"], list) else: cvar["compose"] = [cvar["type"]] if "compose" in var_context: assert isinstance(var_context["compose"], list) cvar["compose"].extend(cur_type) else: if cur_type: cvar["compose"].append(cur_type) composed = cvar["compose"] old_cvar = context.get("variable", {}) context["variable"] = var_context cvar = context["variable"] if composed: # we need to overwrite it, # because current variable context has set it wrong context["variable"]["compose"] = composed # preserve old types, but nothing more. for type_ in composed: if type_ not in cvar and type_ in old_cvar: cvar[type_] = old_cvar[type_] # could be useful as a chainable method, # but in general it doesn't return anything. # Django allows chaining (stackoverflow), # while Python supports command-query separation # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command%E2%80%93query_separation # return context def __repr__(self): # We don't print all options to save space. # Complete getter address is meaningless. # This is repr, one can always get these options # directly if needed. # We don't enclose name in quotes, # because this repr doesn't allow object creation. return """Variable({})""".format(self.name)
[документация]class Combine(Variable): r"""Combine variables into a tuple. :class:`Combine`\ *(var1, var2, ...)(value)* is *((var1.getter(value), var2.getter(value), ...), context)*. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""*args* are the variables to be combined. Keyword arguments are passed to :class:`Variable`'s __init__. For example, *name* is the name of the combined variable. If not provided, it is its variables' names joined with '_'. *context.variable* is updated with *combine*, which is a tuple containing each variable's context. **Attributes**: *dim* is the number of variables. All *args* must be *Variables* and there must be at least one of them, otherwise :class:`LenaTypeError` is raised. """ # set _vars, dim and getter. if not args: raise lena.core.LenaTypeError( "Combine must be initialized with 1 or more variables" ) all_vars = all((isinstance(arg, Variable) for arg in args)) if not all_vars: raise lena.core.LenaTypeError( "All arguments to be combined must be Variables, " "{} provided".format(args) ) object.__setattr__(self, "_vars", args) object.__setattr__(self, "var_context", {}) self.dim = len(args) getter = lambda val: tuple(var.getter(val) for var in self._vars) # update var_context with name and kwargs. name = kwargs.pop("name", None) if name is None: name = "_".join([var.name for var in self._vars]) var_context = {} # we don't preserve types of combined variables, # because they will take too much space in context (visually). # types = [var.var_context.get("type", None) for var in args] # type1 = types[0] # # preserve type it is same for all variables # if all((tp == type1 for tp in types[1:])): # var_context["type"] = type1 var_context.update(kwargs) assert "dim" not in kwargs # to set it manually is meaningless var_context.update({"dim": self.dim}) var_context["combine"] = tuple( copy.deepcopy(var.var_context) for var in self._vars ) super(Combine, self).__init__(name=name, getter=getter, **var_context)
[документация] def __getitem__(self, index): """Get variable at the given *index*.""" return self._vars[index]
[документация]class Compose(Variable): """Composition of variables.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """*args* are the variables to be composed. A keyword argument *name* can set the name of the composed variable. If that is missing, it the name of the last variable is used. *context.variable.compose* contains contexts of the composed variables (the first composed variable is most nested). If there are no variables or if *kwargs* contains *getter*, :exc:`.LenaTypeError` is raised. """ if not all(isinstance(arg, Variable) for arg in args): raise lena.core.LenaTypeError( "All arguments to be composed must be Variables, " "{} provided".format(args) ) if not args: raise lena.core.LenaTypeError( "at least one variable must be provided" ) if "getter" in kwargs: raise lena.core.LenaTypeError( "getter must not be provided" ) def getter(value): for var in self._vars: value = var.getter(value) return value object.__setattr__(self, "_vars", args) # composition of functions must be almost the same # as those functions in a sequence. compose = {"variable": copy.deepcopy(self._vars[0].var_context)} for var in self._vars[1:]: varc = copy.deepcopy(var.var_context) Variable._update_context(compose, varc) var_context = compose["variable"] # otherwise *name* will be given twice in super.__init__ # var_context.pop("name") if "name" in kwargs: name = kwargs.pop("name") else: name = self._vars[-1].name # name = "_".join(var.name for var in args) var_context.update(kwargs) super(Compose, self).__init__( name=name, getter=getter ) # we can't set it in super.__init__, # since we've done all work here object.__setattr__(self, "var_context", var_context)