Исходный код lena.structures.root_graphs

import array

import lena.context
import lena.flow

def _list_to_array(coords, type_code):
    return array.array(type_code, (coord for coord in coords))

[документация]class root_graph_errors(): """2-dimensional ROOT graph with errors. This is an adapter for `TGraphErrors <https://root.cern.ch/doc/master/classTGraphErrors.html>`_ and contains that graph as a field *root_graph*. """ def __init__(self, graph, type_code='d'): """*graph* is a Lena :class:`.graph`. *type_code* is the basic numeric type of array values (by default double). 'f' means floating values. See Python module `array <https://docs.python.org/3/library/array.html>`_ for more options. .. versionadded:: 0.5 """ import ROOT if graph.dim != 2: raise lena.core.LenaValueError( "graph dimension must be 2" ) errors = graph._parsed_error_names # this is not possible, because we forbid suffixes # if len(errors) > 2: # raise lena.core.LenaValueError( # "graph contains too many error fields (maximum is 2)" # ) x_coord = graph.field_names[0] y_coord = graph.field_names[1] x_error = ROOT.nullptr y_error = ROOT.nullptr error_x_ind = 0 error_y_ind = 0 for err in errors: if err[2]: # errors for unknown coordinates # are forbidden in graph itself. raise lena.core.LenaValueError( "error suffixes are not allowed" ) error_ind = err[3] if err[1] == x_coord: x_error = graph.coords[error_ind] error_x_ind = error_ind elif err[1] == y_coord: y_error = graph.coords[error_ind] error_y_ind = error_ind self._error_x_ind = error_x_ind self._error_y_ind = error_y_ind n_points = len(graph.coords[0]) xs = _list_to_array(graph.coords[0], type_code) ys = _list_to_array(graph.coords[1], type_code) exs = ROOT.nullptr eys = ROOT.nullptr if x_error: exs = _list_to_array(x_error, type_code) if y_error: eys = _list_to_array(y_error, type_code) self.root_graph = ROOT.TGraphErrors(n_points, xs, ys, exs, eys) def _arrays(self): import ROOT # not a class field, because it can't be pickled rg = self.root_graph arrays = [ # all these values are pointers, # so they can't be pickled. rg.GetX(), rg.GetY(), ] if self._error_x_ind: arrays.append(rg.GetEX()) if self._error_y_ind: arrays.append(rg.GetEY()) return arrays def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, root_graph_errors): return False # looks they can't be compared directly # return self.root_graph == other.root_graph # error indices are the same if (self._error_x_ind != other._error_x_ind or self._error_y_ind != other._error_y_ind): return False # pointwise comparison return list(self) == list(other) def __iter__(self): npoints = self.root_graph.GetN() for ind in range(npoints): res = tuple((arr[ind] for arr in self._arrays())) yield res def __len__(self): return self.root_graph.GetN() def _update_context(self, context): error_x_ind = self._error_x_ind error_y_ind = self._error_y_ind if error_x_ind: lena.context.update_recursively( context, "error.x.index", error_x_ind ) if error_y_ind: lena.context.update_recursively( context, "error.y.index", error_y_ind )
[документация]class ROOTGraphErrors(): """Element to convert graphs to :class:`.root_graph_errors`."""
[документация] def __call__(self, value): """Convert data part of the value (which must be a :class:`.graph`) to :class:`.root_graph_errors`. .. versionadded:: 0.5 """ graph, context = lena.flow.get_data_context(value) return (root_graph_errors(graph), context)