Исходный код lena.output.to_csv

"""Functions and a class to convert data to CSV."""
import warnings

import lena.context
import lena.core
import lena.flow 
import lena.structures
import lena.structures.hist_functions as hf

# pylint: disable=invalid-name

[документация]def iterable_to_table( iterable, format_=None, header="", header_fields=(), row_start="", row_end="", row_separator=",", footer="" ): r"""Create a table from an *iterable*. The resulting table is yielded line by line. If the *header* or *footer* is empty, it is not yielded. *format_* controls the output of individual cells in a row. By default, it uses standard Python representation. For finer control, one should provide a sequence of formatting options for each column. For floating values it is recommended to output only a finite appropriate number of digits, because this would allow the output to be immutable between calls despite technical reasons. Default formatting allows an arbitrary number of columns in each cell. For tables to be well-formed, substitute missing values in the *iterable* for some placeholder like \"\", *None*, etc. Each row is prepended with *row_start* and appended with *row_end*. If it consists of several columns, they are joined by *row_separator*. Separators between rows can be added while iterating the result. This function can be used to convert structures to different formats: *csv*, *html*, *xml*, etc. Examples: >>> angles = [(3.1415*i/4, 180*i/4) for i in range(1, 5)] >>> format_ = ("{:.2f}", "{:.0f}") >>> header_fields = ("rad", "deg") >>> >>> csv_rows = iterable_to_table( ... angles, format_=format_, ... header="{},{}", header_fields=header_fields, ... row_separator=",", ... ) >>> print("\n".join(csv_rows)) rad,deg 0.79,45 1.57,90 2.36,135 3.14,180 >>> >>> html_rows = iterable_to_table( ... angles, format_=format_, ... header="<table>\n" + " "*4 + "<tr><td>{}</td><td>{}</td></tr>", ... header_fields=header_fields, ... row_start=" "*4 + "<tr><td>", row_end="</td></tr>", ... row_separator="</td><td>", ... footer="</table>" ... ) >>> print("\n".join(html_rows)) <table> <tr><td>rad</td><td>deg</td></tr> <tr><td>0.79</td><td>45</td></tr> <tr><td>1.57</td><td>90</td></tr> <tr><td>2.36</td><td>135</td></tr> <tr><td>3.14</td><td>180</td></tr> </table> >>> For more complex formatting use templates (see :class:`~.RenderLaTeX`). .. versionadded:: 0.5 """ if header: if header_fields: header = header.format(*header_fields) yield header # one value per line may be not such a useful case # to be treated separately. # if isinstance(format_, str): # format_str = format_ if format_ is not None: format_str = row_separator.join(format_) for row in iterable: try: cols = iter(row) except TypeError: cols = (row,) if format_ is None: yield row_start + row_separator.join(map(repr, cols)) + row_end else: yield row_start + format_str.format(*cols) + row_end if footer: yield footer
[документация]def hist1d_to_csv(hist, header=None, separator=',', duplicate_last_bin=True): """Yield CSV-formatted strings for a one-dimensional histogram.""" bins_ = hist.bins edges_ = hist.edges bin_content = None if header: yield header for x_ind, x in enumerate(edges_[:-1]): bin_content = bins_[x_ind] try: bin_content = float(bin_content) except TypeError: raise lena.core.LenaTypeError( "Wrong type passed as float bin content: {}" .format(bin_content) ) line = "{:f}{}{:f}".format(x, separator, bin_content) yield line if duplicate_last_bin: bin_content = bins_[-1] try: bin_content = float(bin_content) except TypeError: raise lena.core.LenaTypeError( "Wrong type passed as float bin content: {}" .format(bin_content) ) x = edges_[-1] try: line = "{:f}{}{:f}".format(x, separator, bin_content) except ValueError: raise lena.core.LenaValueError( "Could not format values: {}, {}, {}". format(x, separator, bin_content) ) yield line
[документация]def hist2d_to_csv(hist, header=None, separator=',', duplicate_last_bin=True): """Yield CSV-formatted strings for a two-dimensional histogram.""" edges = hist.edges bins = hist.bins if header: yield header # todo: this can be passed as a parameter. def format_line(x, y, bin_content): return "{:f}{}{:f}{}{:f}".format(x, separator, y, separator, bin_content) for x_ind, x in enumerate(edges[0][:-1]): for y_ind, y in enumerate(edges[1][:-1]): bin_content = bins[x_ind][y_ind] yield format_line(x, y, bin_content) if duplicate_last_bin: y = edges[1][-1] yield format_line(x, y, bin_content) if duplicate_last_bin: x = edges[0][-1] for y_ind, y in enumerate(edges[1][:-1]): bin_content = bins[x_ind][y_ind] yield format_line(x, y, bin_content) y = edges[1][-1] yield format_line(x, y, bin_content)
[документация]class ToCSV(object): """Convert data to CSV text. Can be converted: * :class:`.histogram` (implemented only for 1- and 2-dimensional histograms). * any iterable object (including :class:`.graph`). """ def __init__(self, separator=",", header=None, duplicate_last_bin=True): """*separator* delimits values in the output text. The result is yielded as one string starting from *header*. If *duplicate_last_bin* is ``True``, then for histograms contents of the last bin will be written in the end twice. This may be useful for graphical representation: if last bin is from 9 to 10, then the plot may end on 9, while this parameter allows to write bin content at 10, creating the last horizontal step. """ self._separator = separator self._header = header self._duplicate_last_bin = duplicate_last_bin
[документация] def run(self, flow): """Convert values from *flow* to CSV text. *context.output* is updated with {"filetype": "csv"}. If a data structure has a method *\\_update_context(context)*, it also updates the current context during the transform. All not converted data is yielded unchanged. If *output.duplicate_last_bin* is present in context, it takes precedence over this element's value. To force the common behaviour, one can manually update context before this element. If *context.output.to_csv* is ``False``, the value is skipped. Data is yielded as a whole CSV block. To generate CSV line by line, use :func:`hist1d_to_csv`, :func:`hist2d_to_csv` or :func:`iterable_to_table`. """ _sentinel = object() for val in flow: data, context = lena.flow.get_data_context(val) # context allows conversion if not lena.context.get_recursively(context, "output.to_csv", True): yield val continue ## histogram if isinstance(data, lena.structures.histogram): # context duplicate_last_bin has higher priority # than that of ToCSV duplicate_last_bin = lena.context.get_recursively( context, "output.duplicate_last_bin", _sentinel ) if duplicate_last_bin is _sentinel: duplicate_last_bin = self._duplicate_last_bin if data.dim == 1: lines_iter = hist1d_to_csv( data, header=self._header, separator=self._separator, duplicate_last_bin=duplicate_last_bin, ) elif data.dim == 2: lines_iter = hist2d_to_csv( data, header=self._header, separator=self._separator, duplicate_last_bin=duplicate_last_bin, ) else: warnings.warn( "{}-dimensional hist_to_csv not implemented" .format(data.dim) ) yield val continue csv = "\n".join(lines_iter) data._update_context(context) lena.context.update_recursively(context, "output.filetype.csv") yield (csv, context) continue # strings can be produced by previous elements # (for example, they can contain file names). # It is an important exception for iterables, when the user # doesn't have to set to_csv to False explicitly. # There is no way to convert a string to csv # (even with explicit to_csv set to True), # because if really needed, this could be done elsewhere. if isinstance(data, str): yield val continue ## iterable try: rows = iter(data) except TypeError: pass else: rows = iterable_to_table( data, row_separator=self._separator, header=self._header ) csv = "\n".join(rows) if (hasattr(data, "_update_context") and callable(data._update_context)): data._update_context(context) lena.context.update_recursively(context, "output.filetype.csv") yield (csv, context) continue # to prevent an iterable from writing, probably add # context.to_csv = False (however, this may be bad design). # Just don't pass such iterables (which won't be written) # to the output part, or use filters like RunIf. ## unknown type yield val