Исходный код lena.input.read_root_file

# needs ROOT installed
import copy
import inspect
import sys

import lena
from lena.core import LenaKeyError, LenaTypeError

[документация]class ReadROOTFile(): """Read ROOT files from flow.""" def __init__(self, keys=None, raise_on_missing=False): """*keys* specify which objects should be read from ROOT files. They can be a list of allowed objects' names or a single name. By default, all keys are read. ROOT files can store several versions of the key (cycles). Only the last cycle is yielded. Regular expressions are not supported. If an explicitly given key was not found, a :exc:`.LenaKeyError` is raised if *raise_on_missing* is ``True``. By default missing keys are ignored. """ import ROOT if keys is not None: if isinstance(keys, str): keys = [keys] key_error = LenaTypeError( "keys must contain only strings" ) if not hasattr(keys, "__iter__"): raise LenaTypeError("keys must be iterable") if sys.version_info.major >= 3: if any((not isinstance(key, str) for key in keys)): raise key_error else: # ROOT keys can have unicode names if any((not isinstance(key, basestring) for key in keys)): raise key_error self._keys = keys self._raise_on_missing = raise_on_missing # maybe todo: allow regular expressions, # allow ROOT object versions. # ROOT files can store several keys with the same name # but different cycles, see TDirectoryFile::GetKey at # https://root.cern.ch/doc/master/classTDirectoryFile.html#a38ec87c7afc0158ec9da694db3f7a6e6
[документация] def run(self, flow): """Read ROOT files from *flow* and yield their contained objects corresponding to the initialization keys. data parts of values from *flow* must be paths to ROOT files. After reading the files are closed. *context.input.root_file_path* is updated with the path to the ROOT file. *input.root_file_key* is updated with the key of the yielded object. Warning ======= After a ROOT file is closed, all its contained objects are destroyed. Make all processing within one flow: don't save yielded values to a list, or save copies of them. """ import ROOT from ROOT import TFile from lena.context import get_recursively, update_recursively from lena.flow import get_data_context from copy import deepcopy for val in flow: data, context = get_data_context(val) # can raise an OSError root_file = TFile(data, "read") # This could be done before this element, # but update it here for better default tracking update_recursively( context, {"input": {"root_file_path": data}} ) def get_key_names(fil): return [key.GetName() for key in fil.GetListOfKeys()] if self._keys is None: # read all keys by default keys = get_key_names(root_file) else: keys = self._keys for key in keys: # Result of TFile.Get is a proper type. # Get() returns the last cycle of the key. obj = root_file.Get(key) # does not work in PyROOT. # if obj == ROOT.nullptr: # Will fail is the obj can have a boolean value False. # No better way to check that. if not obj: if self._raise_on_missing: raise LenaKeyError( "key {} not found in {}".format(key, data) ) new_context = deepcopy(context) update_recursively( new_context, {"input": {"root_file_key": key}} ) yield (obj, new_context) root_file.Close()