Исходный код lena.flow.group_plots

"""Group several plots into one.

Since data can be produced in different places,
several classes are needed to support this.
First, the plots of interest must be selected
(for example, one-dimensional histograms).
This is done by :class:`.Selector`.
Selected plots must be grouped.
For example, we may want to plot data *x* versus Monte-Carlo *x*,
but not data *x* vs data *y*. Data is grouped by :class:`.GroupBy`.
To preserve the group,
we can't yield its members to the following elements,
but have to transform the plots inside :class:`.GroupPlots`.
We can also scale (normalize) all plots to one
using :class:`.GroupScale`.

Example from a real analysis:

.. code-block:: python

        # ... read data and produce histograms ...
        UpdateContext("output.plot.name", "{{variable.name}}",
            # Select either histograms (data) or Graphs (fit),
            # but only having "variable.coordinate" in context
            select=("variable.coordinate", [histogram, Graph]),
            # scale to data
                # scaled plots will be written to separate files
                UpdateContext("output.plot.name", "{{variable.name}}",
                # Several prints were used during this code creation
                # Print(transform=lambda val: val[1]["plot"]["name"]),
            # make both single and combined plots of coordinates
        # create file names for combined plots
        # non-combined plots will still need file names
        # here our jinja template renders a group as a list of items
        # we have a single template, no more groups are present

import copy
import warnings

import lena.core
import lena.flow

# group common context transform should update value context
def _update_with_group(context, new_grp_context, old_inter_context):
    # can context.output.changed be any different value?
    context_changed = lena.context.get_recursively(
        context, "output.changed", None
    # copied from GroupPlots
    all_changed = set(
        (lena.context.get_recursively(c, "output.changed", None)
             for c in new_grp_context)
    if any(all_changed):
        changed = True
    elif False in all_changed:
        # at least one is not changed
        # (this is known, not None)
        changed = False
        changed = None
    # output.changed is unlikely in the intersection,
    # but it will work if so.
    if changed is not None:
            context, "output.changed", changed

    new_inter_context = lena.context.intersection(*new_grp_context)
    context_update = lena.context.difference(new_inter_context,
    # hopefully there is no "group" in these context intersection.
    context["group"] = new_grp_context

[документация]class MapGroup(object): """Apply a sequence to groups.""" def __init__(self, *seq, **map_scalars): """Arguments *seq* must form a *Sequence*. Set a keyword argument *map_scalars* to ``False`` to ignore scalar values (those that are not groups). Other keyword arguments raise :exc:`.LenaTypeError`. .. versionadded:: 0.5 """ # todo: could be made a FillCompute element, depending on *seq* try: seq = lena.core.Sequence(*seq) except lena.core.LenaTypeError as err: raise err self._seq = seq # in Python 2 we can't put a kwarg after args ms = map_scalars.pop("map_scalars", True) if map_scalars: raise lena.core.LenaTypeError( "unknown keyword arguments {}".format(map_scalars) ) self._map_scalars = bool(ms)
[документация] def run(self, flow): """Map *seq* to every group from *flow*. A value represents a group if its context has a key *group* and its data part is iterable (for example, a list of values). If length of data is different from the length of *context.group*, :exc:`LenaRuntimeError` is raised. *seq* must produce an equal number of results for each item of group, or :exc:`LenaRuntimeError` is raised. These results are yielded in groups one by one. Common changes of group context update common context (that of the value). *context.output.changed* is set appropriately. """ get_data = lena.flow.get_data get_context = lena.flow.get_context for val in flow: data, context = lena.flow.get_data_context(val) # single value # can't see "isiterable" or similar in inspect if "group" not in context or not hasattr(data, "__iter__"): if not self._map_scalars: yield val else: # process scalars for res in self._seq.run([val]): yield res continue if len(data) != len(context["group"]): raise lena.core.LenaRuntimeError( "data size must be same as that of context.group" ) # a real group. old_inter_context = lena.context.intersection(*context["group"]) # apply seq to each value from group new_vals = [] for i, dt in enumerate(data): res_i = list(self._seq.run([(dt, context["group"][i])])) new_vals.append(res_i) # check that new values have same length n_new_vals = len(new_vals[0]) for new_val in new_vals[1:]: if len(new_val) != n_new_vals: raise lena.core.LenaRuntimeError( "resulting groups must be of the same length, " "not {}".format(new_vals) ) # new_vals[j] is the result for j-th value in group. # Join them in a different order. results = [] for i in range(n_new_vals): new_data = [get_data(val[i]) for val in new_vals] new_group_context = [get_context(val[i]) for val in new_vals] results.append((new_data, new_group_context)) for new_val in results[:-1]: newc = copy.deepcopy(context) _update_with_group(newc, new_val[1], old_inter_context) yield (new_val[0], newc) if not results: warnings.warn( "empty results produced in MapGroup({}) for {}"\ .format(self._seq, context), RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2 ) continue # save one deep copy if there is only one resulting value _update_with_group(context, results[-1][1], old_inter_context) yield (results[-1][0], context)
[документация]def group_plots(group): """Return data parts of the *group* and set context["group"] to their intersection. If any of values has been changed, *context.output.changed* of the group is set to ``True``. """ # todo: is it good that we have a function and a class # with very similar names, but doing different things? # # todo: in this function only output.changed refers to plots. # Could be made more general, if needed. contexts = [lena.flow.get_context(val) for val in group] # if we wrongly assumed that a plot was unchanged, # that will still be overwritten by Write changed = any((lena.context.get_recursively(c, "output.changed", False) for c in contexts)) context = lena.context.intersection(*contexts) lena.context.update_recursively(context, "output.changed", changed) context.update({"group": contexts}) # data list contains only data part # todo: maybe optimize to get_data_context group = [lena.flow.get_data(val) for val in group] return (group, context)
[документация]class GroupPlots(object): """ .. deprecated:: 0.6 use :class:`.GroupBy`, :func:`group_plots` and other relevant elements. """ def __init__(self, group_by, select=None, transform=(), scale=None, yield_selected=False): """Plots to be grouped are chosen by *select*, which acts as a boolean function. By default everything is selected. If *select* is not a :class:`.Selector`, it is converted to that class. Use :class:`.Selector` for more options. .. deprecated:: 0.5 use :class:`RunIf` instead of *select*. Plots are grouped by *group_by*, which returns different keys for different groups. It can be a function of a value or a formatting string for its context (see :class:`.GroupBy`). Example: *group_by="{{value.variable.name}}_{{variable.name}}"*. *transform* is a sequence that processes individual plots before yielding. Example: ``transform=(ToCSV(), write)``. *transform* is called after *scale*. .. deprecated:: 0.5 use :class:`MapGroup` instead of *transform*. *scale* is a number or a string. A number means the scale, to which plots must be normalized. A string is a name of the plot to which other plots must be normalized. If *scale* is not an instance of :class:`.GroupScale`, it is converted to that class. If a plot could not be rescaled, :exc:`.LenaValueError` is raised. For more options, use :class:`.GroupScale`. *yield_selected* defines whether selected items should be yielded during :meth:`run`. By default it is ``False``: if we used a variable in a combined plot, we don't create a separate plot of that. """ # deprecated # we don't have an object "all", so we use None for all. # This doesn't interfere with Selector semantics, # because None is not a type. warnings.warn( "GroupPlots is deprecated since Lena 0.6. " "Use GroupBy and group_plots. In:", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) if select is None: self._selector = lambda _: True elif isinstance(select, lena.flow.Selector): self._selector = select else: self._selector = lena.flow.Selector(select) if isinstance(group_by, lena.flow.group_by._GroupBy): self._group_by = group_by else: self._group_by = lena.flow.group_by._GroupBy(group_by) if (scale is None or isinstance(scale, lena.flow.group_scale.GroupScale)): self._scale = scale else: self._scale = lena.flow.group_scale.GroupScale(scale) # deprecated if isinstance(transform, lena.core.LenaSequence): self._transform = transform else: self._transform = lena.core.Sequence(*transform) self._yield_selected = yield_selected
[документация] def run(self, flow): """Run the *flow* and yield final groups. Each item of the *flow* is checked with the selector. If it is selected, it is added to groups. Otherwise, it is yielded. After the *flow* is finished, groups are yielded. Groups are lists of items, which have same keys returned from *group_by*. Each group's context (including empty one) is inserted into a list in *context.group*. If any element's *context.output.changed* is ``True``, the final *context.output.changed* is set to ``True`` (and to ``False`` otherwise). The resulting context is updated with the intersection of groups' contexts. If *scale* was set, plots are normalized to the given value or plot. If that plot was not selected (is missing in the captured group) or its norm could not be calculated, :exc:`.LenaValueError` is raised. """ for val in flow: if self._selector(val): if self._yield_selected: yield copy.deepcopy(val) self._group_by.update(val) else: yield val # yield groups of selected plots groups = self._group_by.groups for group_name in groups: grp = groups[group_name] if self._scale is not None: self._scale(grp) # transform group items grp = lena.flow.functions.seq_map(self._transform, grp) # we must apply update after transform, # because otherwise output.changed logic may fail. yield group_plots(grp)