Исходный код lena.core.fill_compute_seq

"""Sequence with a FillCompute element."""

from . import lena_sequence
from . import sequence
from . import adapters
from .fill_seq import FillSeq
from . import exceptions
from . import check_sequence_type

def _init_sequence_with_el(self, args, el_attr, check_el_type,
                           el_name, seq_name):
    # todo: remove after we remove FillRequestSeq
    before = []
    after = []
    el = None

    # same as for Sequence
    if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], tuple):
        args = args[0]

    for ind, arg in enumerate(args):
        if not check_el_type(arg):
            el = arg
    if el is None:
        raise exceptions.LenaTypeError(
            "{} must contain a {} element, ".format(seq_name, el_name) +
            "none provided: {}".format(args)
    setattr(self, el_attr, el)

    for arg in args[ind+1:]:

    # for syntactical reasons; otherwise (*before, el) is impossible
        before_seq = FillSeq(*before)
    except exceptions.LenaTypeError as err:
        raise err
    self._fill_seq = before_seq
    self.fill = self._fill_seq.fill
    # to do: add exception handling here.
    self._after = sequence.Sequence(*after)

    # data_seq is an attribute of LenaSequence
    self._data_seq = []
    # self._data_seq.append(el)

[документация]class FillComputeSeq(lena_sequence.LenaSequence): """Sequence with one :class:`FillCompute` element. Input flow is preprocessed with the *Sequence* before the *FillCompute* element, then it fills the *FillCompute* element. When the results are *computed*, they are postprocessed with the *Sequence* after that element. """ def __init__(self, *args): """*args* form a sequence with a *FillCompute* element. If *args* contain several *FillCompute* elements, only the first one is chosen (the subsequent ones are used as simple *Run* elements). To change that, explicitly cast the first element to :class:`.FillInto`. If *FillCompute* element was not found, or if the sequences before and after that could not be correctly initialized, :exc:`.LenaTypeError` is raised. """ self._name = "FillComputeSeq" super(FillComputeSeq, self).__init__(*args) seq = self._data_seq before = [] fc_el = None after = [] for ind, el in enumerate(seq): if not check_sequence_type.is_fill_compute_el(el): before.append(el) else: fc_el = el break if fc_el is None: raise exceptions.LenaTypeError( "FillComputeSeq must contain a FillCompute element, " "none provided: {}".format(args) ) self._fill_compute = fc_el for el in seq[ind+1:]: after.append(el) before.append(fc_el) try: before_seq = FillSeq(*before) except exceptions.LenaTypeError as err: raise err self._fill_seq = before_seq self.fill = self._fill_seq.fill # to do: do we check for exceptions like above # or skip like here? self._after = sequence.Sequence(*after)
[документация] def fill(self, value): """Fill *self* with *value*. If the sequence before FillCompute is not empty, it preprocesses the *value* before filling *FillCompute*. """ raise exceptions.LenaNotImplementedError
[документация] def compute(self): """Compute the results and yield. If the sequence after *FillCompute* is not empty, it postprocesses the results yielded from *FillCompute* element. """ flow = self._fill_compute.compute() results = self._after.run(flow) return results
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, FillComputeSeq): return NotImplemented return self._seq == other._seq