Исходный код lena.flow.group_by

"""Group data using :class:`.GroupBy` class."""
from __future__ import print_function

import lena.core
import lena.flow

[документация]class GroupBy(object): """Group values. Data is added during :meth:`update`. Groups dictionary is available as :attr:`groups` attribute. :attr:`groups` is a mapping of *keys* (defined by *group_by*) to lists of items with the same key. """ def __init__(self, group_by): """*group_by* is a function, which returns distinct hashable results for items from different groups. It can be a dot-separated string, which corresponds to a subcontext (see :func:`context.get_recursively <.get_recursively>`). If *group_by* is not a callable or a string, :exc:`.LenaTypeError` is raised. """ self.groups = dict() if callable(group_by): self._group_by = group_by elif isinstance(group_by, str): self._group_by = lambda val: lena.context.get_recursively( lena.flow.get_context(val), group_by ) else: raise lena.core.LenaTypeError( "group_by must be a callable or a string, " "{} provided".format(group_by) )
[документация] def update(self, val): """Find a group for *val* and add it there. A group key is calculated by *group_by*. If no such key exists, a new group is created. """ key = self._group_by(val) if key in self.groups: self.groups[key].append(val) else: self.groups[key] = [val]
[документация] def clear(self): """Remove all groups.""" self.groups.clear()