Исходный код lena.flow.split_into_bins

"""Split analysis on groups set by bins."""
from __future__ import print_function

import copy

import lena.context 
import lena.core
import lena.flow
import lena.math
import lena.structures
import lena.variables

def _iter_bins_with_edges(bins, edges):
    """Yield *(bin content, bin edges)* pairs.

    *Bin edges* is a tuple, such that at index *i*
    its element is bin's *(lower bound, upper bound)*,
    on *i*-th the coordinate.
    if not isinstance(edges[0], list):
        edges = [edges]
    bins_sizes = [len(edge)-1 for edge in edges]
    index = [0] * len(edges)
    cur_ind = len(edges)-1
    zeroth_bin_yielded = False
    while cur_ind >= 0:
        var_ind = 0
        while var_ind < bins_sizes[cur_ind]:
            index[cur_ind] = var_ind
            bin_ = lena.structures.get_bin_on_index(index, bins)
            edges_low = []
            edges_high = []
            for i, cur_var in enumerate(index):
            if zeroth_bin_yielded is False or var_ind != 0:
                yield (bin_, tuple(zip(edges_low, edges_high)))
                # yield (bin_, (edges_low, edges_high))
                zeroth_bin_yielded = True
            var_ind += 1
        cur_ind -= 1

class _MdSeqMap(object):
    """Multidimensional mapping of a *Sequence*."""

    def __init__(self, generator, array):
        """*generator* is mapped to *array*'s contents.
        Example when a bin is a sequence: 
        ``generator=lambda cell: cell.compute()``.
        self._generators = lena.math.md_map(generator, array)
        # self._arr = arr
        #, self.bins)

    def next(self):
        # Python 2
        return lena.math.md_map(next, self._generators)

    def __next__(self):
        # Python 3
        return self.next()

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

[документация]def cell_to_string(cell_edges, var_context=None, coord_names=None, coord_fmt="{}_lte_{}_lt_{}", coord_join="_", reverse=False): """Transform cell edges into a string. *cell_edges* is a tuple of pairs *(lower bound, upper bound)* for each coordinate. *coord_names* is a list of coordinates names. *coord_fmt* is a string, which defines how to format individual coordinates. *coord_join* is a string, which joins coordinate pairs. If *reverse* is True, coordinates are joined in reverse order. """ if coord_names is None: if var_context is None: coord_names = ["coord{}".format(ind) for ind in range(len(cell_edges))] else: if "combine" in var_context: coord_names = [var["name"] for var in var_context["combine"]] else: coord_names = [var_context["name"]] if len(cell_edges) != len(coord_names): raise lena.core.LenaValueError( "coord_names must have same lenght as cell_edges, " "{} and {} given".format(coord_names, cell_edges) ) coord_strings = [coord_fmt.format(edge[0], coord_names[ind], edge[1]) for (ind, edge) in enumerate(cell_edges)] if reverse: coord_strings = reversed(coord_strings) coord_str = coord_join.join(coord_strings) return coord_str
[документация]def get_example_bin(struct): """Return bin with zero index on each axis of the histogram bins. For example, if the histogram is two-dimensional, return hist[0][0]. *struct* can be a :class:`~lena.structures.Histogram` or an array of bins. """ if isinstance(struct, lena.structures.Histogram): return lena.structures.get_bin_on_index([0] * struct.dim, struct.bins) else: bins = struct while isinstance(bins, list): bins = bins[0] return bins
[документация]class TransformBins(object): """Transform bins into a flattened sequence.""" def __init__(self, create_edges_str=None): """*create_edges_str* is a callable, which creates a string from bin's edges and coordinate names and adds that to context. It is passed parameters *(edges, var_context)*, where *var_context* is Variable context containing variable names (it can be a single :class:`~lena.variable.Variable` or :class:`~lena.variable.Combine`). By default, it is :func:`cell_to_string`. If *create_edges_str* is not callable, :exc:`~lena.core.LenaTypeError` is raised. """ if create_edges_str is None: # default pass elif not callable(create_edges_str): raise lena.core.LenaTypeError( "create_edges_str must be callable, " "{} provided".format(create_edges_str) ) self._create_edges_str = create_edges_str def run(self, flow): for value in flow: data, context = lena.flow.get_data_context(value) if not isinstance(data, lena.structures.Histogram): yield value continue # data is a histogram # check bins data00 = lena.flow.get_data(get_example_bin(data)) if not isinstance(data00, lena.structures.Histogram): yield value continue # bin is a histogram ## context is not shared, but yielded, ## so deep copy is not needed ## But in this case data can't be used twice!! # context = copy.deepcopy(context) for histc, bin_edges in _iter_bins_with_edges(data.bins, data.edges): hist, ana_context = lena.flow.get_data_context(histc) split_var = lena.context.get_recursively( context, "split_into_bins.variable", None ) if self._create_edges_str: # use predefined function edges_str = self._create_edges_str(bin_edges, var_context=split_var) else: # default edges_str = cell_to_string(bin_edges, var_context=split_var) sib_context = context.pop("split_into_bins", {}) # hide split_into_bins context into that. # this may be useful when context and ana_context differ sib_context["context"] = context bin_context = {"bin": {"edges": bin_edges, "edges_str": edges_str}} lena.context.update_nested(ana_context, {"split_into_bins": sib_context}) lena.context.update_nested(ana_context, bin_context) yield (hist, ana_context)
[документация]class ReduceBinContent(object): """Transform bin content of histograms. This class is used when histogram bins contain complex structures. For example, in order to plot a histogram with a 3-dimensional vector in each bin, we shall create 3 histograms corresponding to vector's components. """ def __init__(self, select, transform, drop_bins_context=True): """*Select* determines which types should be transformed. The types must be given in a ``list`` (not a tuple) or as a general :class:`Selector`. Example: ``select=[lena.math.vector3, list]``. *transform* is a *Sequence* or element applied to bin contents. If *transform* is not a :class:`~lena.core.Sequence` or an element with *run* method, it is converted to a :class:`~lena.core.Sequence`. Example: ``transform=Split([X(), Y(), Z()])`` (provided that you have X, Y, Z variables). :class:`ReduceBinContent` creates histograms, which may be plotted, that is bins contain only data without context. By default, context of all bins except one is not used. If *drop_bins_context* is ``False``, a histogram of bin context is added to context. In case of wrong arguments, :exc:`~lena.core.LenaTypeError` is raised. """ if not isinstance(select, lena.flow.Selector): try: select = lena.flow.Selector(select) except lena.core.LenaTypeError: raise lena.core.LenaTypeError( "select must be convertible to a Selector, " "{} given".format(select) ) self._selector = select if not lena.core.is_run_el(transform): try: transform = lena.core.Sequence(transform) except lena.core.LenaTypeError: raise lena.core.LenaTypeError( "transform must be a Sequence or convertible to that, " "or an element with run method; " "{} provided".format(transform) ) self._transform = transform self._drop_bins_context = bool(drop_bins_context)
[документация] def run(self, flow): """Transform histograms from *flow*. Not selected values pass unchanged. Context is updated with *variable*, *histogram* and *bin_content*. *variable" and *histogram* copy context from *split_into_bins* (if present there). *bin_content* includes context for example bin in "example_bin" and (optionally) for all bins in "all_bins". """ for value in flow: hist, context = lena.flow.get_data_context(value) # data part must be a histogram if not isinstance(hist, lena.structures.Histogram): yield value continue val = get_example_bin(hist) # value must be selected ## types are checked against data part of the bin if not self._selector(val): # no transformation needed yield value continue # bins should be transformed. # Several iterations can happen, in principle. generators = _MdSeqMap( lambda cell: copy.deepcopy(self._transform).run([cell]), hist.bins ) for new_bins in generators: new_data = lena.math.md_map(lena.flow.get_data, new_bins) ana_context = copy.deepcopy( lena.flow.get_context(get_example_bin(new_bins)) ) cur_bin_context = {"bin_content": {"example_bin": ana_context}} if not self._drop_bins_context: all_new_context = lena.math.md_map( lena.flow.get_context, new_bins ) cur_bin_context["bin_content"]["all_bins"] = all_new_context sib_context = context.get("split_into_bins", {}) var_context = sib_context.get("variable", {}) hist_context = sib_context.get("histogram", {}) if var_context: lena.context.update_nested(context, {"variable": var_context}) if hist_context: lena.context.update_nested(context, {"histogram": hist_context}) lena.context.update_nested(context, cur_bin_context) # or make Histogram.edges immutable edges = copy.deepcopy(hist.edges) new_hist = lena.structures.Histogram(edges, new_data) yield (new_hist, context)
[документация]class SplitIntoBins(lena.core.FillCompute): """Split analysis into bins.""" def __init__(self, seq, arg_func, edges, transform=None): """*seq* is a :class:`~lena.core.FillComputeSeq` sequence, which corresponds to the analysis being compared for different bins. It can be a tuple containing a *FillCompute* element. Deep copy of *seq* will be used to produce each bin's content. *arg_func* is a function which takes data and returns argument value used to compute the bin index. A :class:`~lena.variables.variable.Variable` must be provided. Example of a two-dimensional function: ``arg_func = lena.variables.Variable("xy", lambda event: (event.x, event.y))``. *edges* is a sequence of arrays containing monotonically increasing bin edges along each dimension. Example: ``edges = lena.math.mesh((0, 1), 10)``. *transform* is a :class:`~lena.core.Sequence`, which is applied to results. The final histogram may contain vectors, histograms and any other data the analysis produced. To be able to plot them, *transform* can extract vector components or do other work to simplify structures. By default, *transform* is :class:`TransformBins`. Pass an empty tuple to disable it. **Attributes**: bins, edges. If *edges* are not increasing, :exc:`~lena.core.exceptions.LenaValueError` is raised. In case of other argument initialization problems, :exc:`~lena.core.exceptions.LenaTypeError` is raised. """ if not isinstance(seq, lena.core.FillComputeSeq): try: seq = lena.core.FillComputeSeq(seq) except lena.core.LenaTypeError: raise lena.core.LenaTypeError( "seq must contain a FillCompute element, " "{} provided".format(seq) ) if isinstance(arg_func, lena.variables.Variable): self._arg_var = arg_func self._arg_func = arg_func.getter else: raise lena.core.LenaTypeError( "arg_func must be a Variable, " "{} provided.".format(arg_func) ) # may raise LenaValueError lena.structures.check_edges_increasing(edges) self.bins = lena.structures.init_bins(edges, seq, deepcopy=True) self.edges = edges if transform is None: transform = TransformBins() elif transform == (): pass elif not isinstance(transform, lena.core.Sequence): try: transform = lena.core.Sequence(transform) except lena.core.LenaTypeError: raise lena.core.LenaTypeError( "transform must be convertible to Sequence, " "{} provided".format(transform) ) self.transform = transform self._cur_context = {}
[документация] def fill(self, val): """Fill the cell corresponding to *arg_func(val)* with *val*. Values outside of *edges* range are ignored. """ data, context = lena.flow.get_data_context(val) bin_index = lena.structures.get_bin_on_value(self._arg_func(data), self.edges) subarr = self.bins for ind in bin_index: # underflow if ind < 0: return try: subarr = subarr[ind] # overflow except IndexError: return # subarr is now the cell self.edges[bin_index] subarr.fill(val) self._cur_context = context
[документация] def compute(self): """Yield a *(Histogram, context)* for *compute()* for each bin. :class:`~lena.structures.Histogram` is created from :attr:`edges` and bins taken from compute() for :attr:`bins`. Context is preserved in histogram bins. :class:`SplitIntoBins` context is added to *context.split_into_bins* as *histogram* (corresponding to *edges*) and *variable* (corresponding to *arg_func*) subcontexts. In Python 3 the minimum number of *compute()* among all bins is used. In Python 2, if some bin is exhausted before the others, its content will be filled with None. """ # cur_context is shared with some inner sequences cur_context = copy.deepcopy(self._cur_context) generators = _MdSeqMap(lambda cell: cell.compute(), self.bins) # generators = lena.math.md_map(lambda cell: cell.compute(), self.bins) while True: try: result = next(generators) except StopIteration: break # result = lena.math.md_map(next, generators) hist = lena.structures.Histogram(self.edges, result) old_sib = cur_context.pop("split_into_bins", {}) if old_sib: # nest previous split_into_bins cur_context["split_into_bins"] = {"split_into_bins": old_sib} else: cur_context["split_into_bins"] = {} sib_context = cur_context["split_into_bins"] # todo. improve consistency below var_context = copy.deepcopy({"variable": self._arg_var.var_context}) hist_context = copy.deepcopy(hist._hist_context) sib_context.update(var_context) sib_context.update(hist_context) if self.transform: results = self.transform.run([(hist, cur_context)]) for result in results: yield result else: yield (hist, cur_context)