Исходный код lena.flow.group_scale

"""Scale a group of data (GroupScale class)."""
from __future__ import print_function

import numbers

import lena.core
import lena.flow

[документация]class GroupScale(object): """Scale a group of data.""" def __init__(self, scale_to, allow_zero_scale=False, allow_unknown_scale=False): """*scale_to* defines the method of scaling. If a number is given, group items are scaled to that. Otherwise it is converted to a :class:`~lena.flow.Selector`, which must return a unique item from the group. Group items will be scaled to the scale of that item. By default, attempts to rescale a structure with unknown or zero scale raise an error. If *allow_zero_scale* and *allow_unknown_scale* are set to ``True``, the corresponding errors are ignored and the structure remains unscaled. """ if isinstance(scale_to, numbers.Number): self._scale_to = scale_to else: self._scale_to = lena.flow.Selector(scale_to) self._allow_zero_scale = allow_zero_scale self._allow_unknown_scale = allow_unknown_scale
[документация] def scale(self, group): """Scale *group* and return a rescaled group as a list. The *group* can contain *(structure, context)* pairs. The original group is unchanged as long as structures' *scale* method returns a new structure (default for Lena histograms and graphs). If any item could not be rescaled and options were not set to ignore that, :exc:`~lena.core.LenaValueError` is raised. """ # get scale to be used if isinstance(self._scale_to, numbers.Number): scale = self._scale_to else: cands = [val for val in group if self._scale_to(val)] if len(cands) > 1: raise lena.core.LenaValueError( "only one candidate to provide scale must be selected, " "{} found".format(cands) ) elif not cands: raise lena.core.LenaValueError( "at least one item to get scale from must be selected" ) else: cand = cands[0] scale = lena.flow.get_data(cand).scale() # rescale new_group = [] for val in group: data, context = lena.flow.get_data_context(val) try: new_data = data.scale(scale) except AttributeError as err: # except lena.core.LenaAttributeError as err: # scale was not set and can't be determined if self._allow_unknown_scale: new_data = data else: raise lena.core.LenaValueError( "could not determine the scale of {}" .format(val) ) except lena.core.LenaValueError as err: # scale is zero and can't be changed if self._allow_zero_scale: new_data = data else: raise err new_group.append((new_data, context)) return new_group