Source code for lena.context.update_context

# requires jinja2
import copy
import re

import lena.core
import lena.context
import lena.flow

_sentinel = object()

[docs]class UpdateContext(): """Update context of passing values.""" def __init__(self, subcontext, update, value=False, default=_sentinel, skip_on_missing=False, raise_on_missing=False, recursively=True): """*subcontext* is a string representing the part of context to be updated (for example, *"output.plot"*). *subcontext* must be non-empty. *update* will become the value of *subcontext* during :meth:`__call__`. It can be one of three different types: - a simple value (not a string), - a context formatting string, - a context value (a string in curly braces). A context formatting string is any string with arguments enclosed in double braces (for example, *"{{variable.type}}_{{}}"*). Its argument values will be filled from context during :meth:`__call__`. If a formatting argument is missing in context, it will be substituted with an empty string. To set *update* to a value from context (not a string), the keyword argument *value* must be set to ``True`` and the *update* format string must be a non-empty single expression in double braces (*"{{variable.compose}}"*). If *update* corresponds to a context value and a formatting argument is missing in the context, :exc:`.LenaKeyError` will be raised unless a *default* is set. In this case *default* will be used for the update value. If *update* is a context formatting string, *default* keyword argument can't be used. To set a default value other than an empty string, use a jinja2 filter. For example, if *update* is *"{{|default('x')}}"*, then *update* will be set to "x" both if ** is missing and if *context.variable* is missing itself. Other variants to deal with missing context values are: - to skip update (don't change the context), set by *skip_on_missing*, or - to raise :exc:`.LenaKeyError` (set by *raise_on_missing*). Only one of *default*, *skip_on_missing* or *raise_on_missing* can be set, otherwise :exc:`.LenaValueError` is raised. None of these options can be used if *update* is a simple value. If *recursively* is ``True`` (default), not overwritten existing values of *subcontext* are preserved. Otherwise, all existing values of *subcontext* (at its lowest level) are removed. See also :func:`.update_recursively`. Example: >>> from lena.context import UpdateContext >>> make_scatter = UpdateContext("output.plot", {"scatter": True}) >>> # call directly >>> make_scatter(((0, 0), {})) ((0, 0), {'output': {'plot': {'scatter': True}}}) >>> # or use in a sequence If *subcontext* is not a string, :exc:`.LenaTypeError` is raised. If it is empty, :exc:`.LenaValueError` is raised. If *value* is ``True``, braces can be only the first two and the last two symbols of *update*, otherwise :exc:`.LenaValueError` is raised. """ import jinja2 # The "Context" in the class name means any general context # (not only :class:`.Context`). # subcontext is a string, because it must have at most one value # at each nesting level. if not isinstance(subcontext, str): raise lena.core.LenaTypeError( "subcontext must be a string, {} provided".format(subcontext) ) if not subcontext: raise lena.core.LenaValueError( "subcontext must be non-empty" ) self._subcontext = lena.context.str_to_list(subcontext) self._has_default = default is not _sentinel n_of_active = ( int(self._has_default) + int(raise_on_missing) + int(skip_on_missing) ) if n_of_active > 1: raise lena.core.LenaValueError( "only one of skip_on_missing, raise_on_missing " "or default must be active" ) self._skip_on_missing = skip_on_missing self._raise_on_missing = raise_on_missing value = bool(value) if not isinstance(update, str): # simple update self._update = update if n_of_active: raise lena.core.LenaValueError( "for simple update skip_on_missing, default " "and raise_on_missing must not be set" ) elif value and re.match('{{[^{}]+}}$', update): # context value update # {{at least one symbol in between, no { or } in between}} self._context_value = True self._update = update[2:-2] if not self._has_default and not self._skip_on_missing: self._raise_on_missing = True else: # context format update if value: raise lena.core.LenaValueError( "fix braces for template string '{}' or set value to False" .format(update) ) self._context_value = False if self._has_default: raise lena.core.LenaValueError( "default for a formatting string must be set inside it" ) try: if raise_on_missing or skip_on_missing: self._update = jinja2.Template( update, undefined=jinja2.StrictUndefined ) else: # ChainableUndefined appeared in jinja2 2.11.0 self._update = jinja2.Template( update, undefined=jinja2.ChainableUndefined ) except jinja2.exceptions.TemplateSyntaxError as err: raise lena.core.LenaValueError( "template syntax error, {}".format(err.message) ) self._value = value self._default = default self._recursively = bool(recursively)
[docs] def __call__(self, value): """Update *value*'s context. If the *value* is updated, *subcontext* is always created (also if the *value* contains no context). :exc:`.LenaKeyError` is raised if *raise_on_missing* is ``True`` and the update argument is missing in *value*'s context. """ import jinja2 data, context = lena.flow.get_data_context(value) if isinstance(self._update, (str, jinja2.Template)): if self._context_value: if not self._has_default: try: update = lena.context.get_recursively(context, self._update) except lena.core.LenaKeyError as err: if self._skip_on_missing: return value else: assert self._raise_on_missing raise err else: update = lena.context.get_recursively( context, self._update, self._default ) assert not self._raise_on_missing assert not self._skip_on_missing update = copy.deepcopy(update) else: # context format update try: update = self._update.render(context) except jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError as err: if self._raise_on_missing: raise lena.core.LenaKeyError( "{}, context={}".format(err.message, context) ) else: # todo: any better way to check it? assert self._skip_on_missing return value else: update = copy.deepcopy(self._update) # now empty context is prohibited. # May be skipped in runtime in the future. assert self._subcontext keys = self._subcontext subdict = context for key in keys[:-1]: if key not in subdict or not isinstance(subdict[key], dict): subdict[key] = {} subdict = subdict[key] if self._recursively: lena.context.update_recursively(subdict, {keys[-1]: update}) else: subdict[keys[-1]] = update return (data, context)