Source code for lena.structures.graph

"""Graph is a function at given points."""
from __future__ import print_function

import copy

import lena.core
import lena.context
import lena.flow

def _rescale_value(rescale, value):
    return rescale * lena.flow.get_data(value)

[docs]class Graph(object): """Function at given coordinates (arbitraty dimensions). Graph points can be set during the initialization and during :meth:`fill`. It can be rescaled (producing a new :class:`Graph`). A point is a tuple of *(coordinate, value)*, where both *coordinate* and *value* can be tuples of numbers. *Coordinate* corresponds to a point in N-dimensional space, while *value* is some function's value at this point (the function can take a value in M-dimensional space). Coordinate and value dimensions must be the same for all points. One can get graph points as :attr:`Graph.points` attribute. They will be sorted each time before return if *sort* was set to ``True``. An attempt to change points (use :attr:`Graph.points` on the left of '=') will raise Python's :exc:`AttributeError`. """ def __init__(self, points=None, context=None, scale=None, sort=True): """*points* is an array of *(coordinate, value)* tuples. *context* is the same as the most recent context during *fill*. Use it to provide a context when initializing a :class:`Graph` from existing points. *scale* sets the scale of the graph. It is used during plotting if rescaling is needed. Graph coordinates are sorted by default. This is usually needed to plot graphs of functions. If you need to keep the order of insertion, set *sort* to ``False``. By default, sorting is done using standard Python lists and functions. You can disable *sort* and provide your own sorting container for *points*. Some implementations are compared `here <>`_. Note that a rescaled graph uses a default list. Note that :class:`Graph` does not reduce data. All filled values will be stored in it. To reduce data, use histograms. """ self._points = points if points is not None else [] # todo: add some sanity checks for points self._scale = scale self._init_context = {"scale": scale} if context is None: self._cur_context = {} elif not isinstance(context, dict): raise lena.core.LenaTypeError( "context must be a dict, {} provided".format(context) ) else: self._cur_context = context self._sort = sort # todo: probably, scale from context is not needed. ## probably this function is not needed. ## it can't be copied, graphs won't be possible to compare. # *rescale_value* is a function, which can be used to scale # complex graph values. # It must accept a rescale parameter and the value at a data point. # By default, it is multiplication of rescale and the value # (which must be a number). # if rescale_value is None: # self._rescale_value = _rescale_value self._rescale_value = _rescale_value self._update()
[docs] def fill(self, value): """Fill the graph with *value*. *Value* can be a *(data, context)* tuple. *Data* part must be a *(coordinates, value)* pair, where both coordinates and value are also tuples. For example, *value* can contain the principal number and its precision. """ point, self._cur_context = lena.flow.get_data_context(value) # coords, val = point self._points.append(point)
[docs] def request(self): """Yield graph with context. If *sort* was initialized ``True``, graph points will be sorted. """ # If flow contained *scale* it the context, it is set now. self._update() yield (self, self._context)
# compute method shouldn't be in this class, # because it is a pure FillRequest. # def compute(self): # """Yield graph with context (as in :meth:`request`), # and :meth:`reset`.""" # self._update() # yield (self, self._context) # self.reset() @property def points(self): """Get graph points (read only).""" # sort points before giving them self._update() return self._points
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset points to an empty list and current context to an empty dict. """ self._points = [] self._cur_context = {}
def __repr__(self): self._update() return ("Graph(points={}, scale={}, sort={})" .format(self._points, self._scale, self._sort))
[docs] def scale(self, other=None): """Get or set the scale. Graph's scale comes from an external source. For example, if the graph was computed from a function, this may be its integral passed via context during :meth:`fill`. Once the scale is set, it is stored in the graph. If one attempts to use scale which was not set, :exc:`.LenaAttributeError` is raised. If *other* is None, return the scale. If a ``float`` *other* is provided, rescale to *other*. A new graph with the scale equal to *other* is returned, the original one remains unchanged. Note that in this case its *points* will be a simple list and new graph *sort* parameter will be ``True``. Graphs with scale equal to zero can't be rescaled. Attempts to do that raise :exc:`.LenaValueError`. """ if other is None: # return scale self._update() if self._scale is None: raise lena.core.LenaAttributeError( "scale must be explicitly set before using that" ) return self._scale else: # rescale from other scale = self.scale() if scale == 0: raise lena.core.LenaValueError( "can't rescale graph with 0 scale" ) # new_init_context = copy.deepcopy(self._init_context) # new_init_context.update({"scale": other}) rescale = float(other) / scale new_points = [] for coord, val in self._points: # probably not needed, because tuples are immutable: # make a deep copy so that new values # are completely independent from old ones. new_points.append((coord, self._rescale_value(rescale, val))) # todo: should it inherit context? # Probably yes, but watch out scale. new_graph = Graph(points=new_points, scale=other, sort=self._sort) return new_graph
[docs] def to_csv(self, separator=",", header=None): """Convert graph's points to CSV. *separator* delimits values, the default is comma. *header*, if not ``None``, is the first string of the output (new line is added automatically). Since a graph can be multidimensional, for each point first its coordinate is converted to string (separated by *separator*), then each part of its value. To convert :class:`Graph` to CSV inside a Lena sequence, use :class:`lena.output.ToCSV`. """ if self._sort: self._update() def unpack_pt(pt): coord = pt[0] value = pt[1] if isinstance(coord, tuple): unpacked = list(coord) else: unpacked = [coord] if isinstance(value, tuple): unpacked += list(value) else: unpacked.append(value) return unpacked def pt_to_str(pt, separ): return separ.join([str(val) for val in unpack_pt(pt)]) if header is not None: # if one needs an empty header line, they may provide "" lines = header + "\n" else: lines = "" lines += "\n".join([pt_to_str(pt, separator) for pt in self.points]) return lines
# *context* will be added to graph context. # If it contains "scale", :meth:`scale` method will be available. # Otherwise, if "scale" is contained in the context # during :meth:`fill`, it will be used. # In this case it is assumed that this scale # is same for all values (only the last filled context is checked). # Context from flow takes precedence over the initialized one. def _update(self): """Sort points if needed, update context.""" # todo: probably remove this context_scale? context_scale = self._cur_context.get("scale") if context_scale is not None: # this complex check is fine with rescale, # because that returns a new graph (this scale unchanged). if self._scale is not None and self._scale != context_scale: raise lena.core.LenaRuntimeError( "Initialization and context scale differ, " "{} and {} from context {}" .format(self._scale, context_scale, self._cur_context) ) self._scale = context_scale if self._sort: self._points = sorted(self._points) self._context = copy.deepcopy(self._cur_context) self._context.update(self._init_context) # why this? Not *graph.scale*? self._context.update({"scale": self._scale}) # self._context.update(lena.context.make_context(self, "_scale")) # todo: make this check during fill. Probably initialize self._dim # with kwarg dim. (dim of coordinates or values?) if self._points: # check points correctness points = self._points def coord_dim(coord): if not hasattr(coord, "__len__"): return 1 return len(coord) first_coord = points[0][0] dim = coord_dim(first_coord) same_dim = all(coord_dim(point[0]) == dim for point in points) if not same_dim: raise lena.core.LenaValueError( "coordinates tuples must have same dimension, " "{} given".format(points) ) self.dim = dim self._context["dim"] = self.dim def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Graph): return False if self.points != other.points: return False if self._scale is None and other._scale is None: return True try: result = self.scale() == other.scale() except lena.core.LenaAttributeError: # one scale couldn't be computed return False else: return result