Source code for lena.core.adapters

"""Adapters allow to use existing objects as Lena core elements.

Adapters can be used for several purposes:

    - provide an unusual name for a method (*Run(my_obj, run="my_run")*).
    - hide unused methods to prevent ambiguity.
    - automatically convert objects of one type to another in sequences (*FillCompute* to *Run*).
    - explicitly cast object of one type to another (*FillRequest* to *FillCompute*).


>>> class MyEl(object):
...     def my_run(self, flow):
...         for val in flow:
...             yield val
>>> my_run = Run(MyEl(), run="my_run")
>>> list([1, 2, 3]))
[1, 2, 3]
from __future__ import print_function

import itertools

from . import exceptions
from . import check_sequence_type as ct # it is a module, no need to hide

# pylint: disable=method-hidden
# We leave method stubs in the adapters,
# because they will appear in their documentation,
# even though the actual code will be overwritten.

# class _MISSING_TYPE:
#     pass
# This looks better in automatic documentation:
_SENTINEL = object()
# Sentinel is used when it is important to know
# whether it was passed as a keyword argument, for example,
# when an element can be used without this method (type cast).
# Otherwise use just the method's name.

def _init_callable(self, el, call):
    """Common initializer for Call and SourceEl."""
    if call is _SENTINEL:
        # try to find call in el
        if callable(el):
            self._call = el # pylint: disable=protected-access
            raise exceptions.LenaTypeError(
                "provide a callable method or a callable element, "
                "{} given".format(el)
        # get call by its name
        el_call = getattr(el, call, None)
        if callable(el_call):
            self._call = el_call # pylint: disable=protected-access
            raise exceptions.LenaTypeError(
                "call method {} of {} must exist and be callable"
                .format(call, el)
    self._el = el

[docs]class Call(object): """Adapter to provide *__call__(value)* method. Name of the actually called method can be customized during the initialization. The method *__call__(value)* is a simple (preferably pure) function, which accepts a *value* and returns its transformation. """ def __init__(self, el, call=_SENTINEL): """Element *el* must contain a callable method *call* or be callable itself. If *call* method name is not provided, it is checked whether *el* is callable itself. If :class:`Call` failed to instantiate with *el* and *call*, :exc:`~lena.core.LenaTypeError` is raised. """ _init_callable(self, el, call)
[docs] def __call__(self, value): """Transform the *value* and return.""" # This fix is needed only for a special method, # # Methods with other names will be monkey-patched correctly. return self._call(value) # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs]class FillCompute(object): """Adapter for a *FillCompute* element. A *FillCompute* element has methods *fill(value)* and *compute()*. """ def __init__(self, el, fill="fill", compute="compute"): """Method names can be customized through *fill* and *compute* keyword arguments during the initialization. *FillCompute* can be explicitly cast from *FillRequest*. In this case *compute* is *request*. If callable methods *fill* and *compute* or *request* were not found, :exc:`~lena.core.LenaTypeError` is raised. """ fill_method = getattr(el, fill, None) compute_method = getattr(el, compute, None) if callable(fill_method): self.fill = fill_method else: raise exceptions.LenaTypeError( "fill method {} must exist and be callable".format(fill) ) if callable(compute_method): self.compute = compute_method else: # derive from FillRequest request = getattr(el, "request", None) if not callable(request): raise exceptions.LenaTypeError( "compute method {} or request must exist and be callable"\ .format(compute) ) self.compute = request self._el = el
[docs] def fill(self, value): # pylint: disable=no-self-use,unused-argument """Fill *self* with *value*.""" raise exceptions.LenaNotImplementedError
[docs] def compute(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Yield computed values.""" raise exceptions.LenaNotImplementedError
[docs]class FillInto(object): """Adapter for a FillInto element.""" def __init__(self, el, fill_into=_SENTINEL, explicit=True): """Element *el* must implement *fill_into* method, be callable or be a Run element. If no *fill_into* argument is provided, then *fill_into* method is searched, then *__call__*, then *run*. If none of them is found and callable, :exc:`~lena.core.LenaTypeError` is raised. Note that callable elements and elements with *fill_into* method have different interface. If the *el* is callable, it is assumed to be a simple function, which accepts a single value and transforms that, and the result is filled into the element by this adapter. *fill_into* method, on the contrary, takes two arguments (element and value) and fills the element itself. This allows to use lambdas directly in *FillInto*. A *Run* element is converted to *FillInto* this way: for each value the *el* runs a flow consisting of this one value and fills the results into the output element. This can be done only if *explicit* is True. """ if fill_into is _SENTINEL: fill_into_m = getattr(el, "fill_into", None) if callable(fill_into_m): self.fill_into = fill_into_m # try to make possible convertions elif callable(el): # use default implementation pass elif ct.is_run_el(el) and explicit: self.fill_into = self._run_fill_into else: raise exceptions.LenaTypeError( "element {} ".format(el) + "must implement 'fill_into' method, " "or be callable or a Run element" ) elif callable(getattr(el, fill_into, None)): self.fill_into = getattr(el, fill_into) else: raise exceptions.LenaTypeError( "method {} of {} must exist and be callable". format(fill_into, el) ) self._el = el
[docs] def fill_into(self, element, value): """Fill *value* into an *element*. *Value* is transformed by the initialization element before filling *el*. *Element* must provide a *fill* method. """ element.fill(self._el(value))
def _run_fill_into(self, element, value): """Convert *value* into a flow of one element, run this flow and fill the *element* with the results. """ for result in[value]): element.fill(result)
[docs]class FillRequest(object): """Adapter for a *FillRequest* element. A *FillRequest* element has methods *fill(value)* and *request()*. """ def __init__(self, el, fill="fill", request="request", reset=True, bufsize=1): """Names for *fill* and *request* can be customized during initialization. *FillRequest* can be initialized from a *FillCompute* element. If a callable *request* method was not found, *el* must have a callable *compute* method. *request* in this case is *compute*. By default, *FillRequest* implements *run* method that splits the flow into subslices of *bufsize* elements. If *el* has a callable *run* method, it is used instead of the default one. If a keyword argument *reset* is ``True`` (default), *el* must have a method *reset, and in this case :meth:`reset` is called after each :meth:`request` (including those during :meth:`run`). If *reset* is ``False``, :meth:`reset` is never called. **Attributes** :attr:`bufsize` is the maximum size of subslices during *run*. *bufsize* must be a natural number, otherwise :exc:`~lena.core.LenaValueError` is raised. If callable *fill* and *request* methods were not found, or *FillRequest* could not be derived from *FillCompute*, or if *reset* is ``True``, but *el* has no method *reset*, :exc:`~lena.core.LenaTypeError` is raised. """ fill = getattr(el, fill, None) request = getattr(el, request, None) el_reset = getattr(el, "reset", None) if not callable(fill): raise exceptions.LenaTypeError( "fill method {} must exist and be callable".format(fill) ) if reset and not callable(el_reset): raise exceptions.LenaTypeError( "reset must exist and be callable" ) self.fill = fill self._reset = reset if callable(request): self._request_meth = request else: # derive from compute and reset compute = getattr(el, "compute", None) # reset = getattr(el, "reset", None) if not callable(compute): # or not callable(reset): raise exceptions.LenaTypeError( "request or compute must exist and be callable" ) self.request = self._compute_reset if(bufsize != int(bufsize) or bufsize < 1): raise exceptions.LenaValueError( "bufsize must be a natural number, {} provided".format(bufsize) ) self.bufsize = int(bufsize) run = getattr(el, "run", None) if run and callable(run): = run self._el = el def _compute_reset(self): for val in self._el.compute(): yield val if self._reset: self._el.reset()
[docs] def fill(self, value): # pylint: disable=no-self-use,unused-argument """Fill *self* with *value*.""" raise exceptions.LenaNotImplementedError
[docs] def request(self): """Yield computed values. May be called at any time, the flow may still contain zero or more items. """ for val in self._request_meth(): yield val if self._reset: self._el.reset()
# raise exceptions.LenaNotImplementedError
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the element *el*.""" self._el.reset()
[docs] def run(self, flow): """Implement *run* method. First, *fill* is called for each value in a subslice of *flow* of *self.bufsize* size. After that, results are yielded from *self.request()*. This repeats until the *flow* is exhausted. If *fill* was not called even once (*flow* is empty), the results for a general *FillRequest* are undefined (for example, it can run *request* or raise an exception). This adapter runs *request* in this case. If the last slice is empty, *request* is not run for that. Note that the last slice may contain less than *bufsize* values. If that is important, implement your own method. A slice is a non-materialized list, which means that it will not take place of *bufsize* in memory. """ filled_once = False while True: buf = itertools.islice(flow, self.bufsize) # check whether the flow contains at least one element try: arg = next(buf) except StopIteration: if filled_once: # if nothing was filled this time, # don't yield anything break else: # *request* is run nevertheless. for result in self.request(): yield result break else: self.fill(arg) filled_once = True for arg in buf: self.fill(arg) for result in self.request(): yield result if self._reset: self._el.reset()
[docs]class Run(object): """Adapter for a *Run* element.""" def __init__(self, el, run=_SENTINEL): """Name of the method *run* can be customized during initialization. If *run* argument is supplied, *el* must be None or it must have a callable method with name given by *run*. If *run* keyword argument is missing, then *el* is searched for a method *run*. If that is not found, a type cast is attempted. A *Run* element can be initialized from a *Call* or a *FillCompute* element. A callable element is run as a transformation function, which accepts single values from the flow and *returns* their transformations for each value. A *FillCompute* element is run the following way: first, *el.fill(value)* is called for the whole flow. After the flow is exhausted, *el.compute()* is called. It is possible to initialize :class:`Run` using a generator function without an element. To do that, set the element to ``None``: *Run(None, run=<my_function>)*. If the initialization failed, :exc:`~lena.core.LenaTypeError` is raised. :class:`Run` is used implicitly during the initialization of :class:`~lena.core.Sequence`. """ if run is _SENTINEL: # no explicit method name given run_ = getattr(el, "run", None) if callable(run_): # callable method "run" found = run_ # convert el to Run elif callable(el): # Call to Run = self._call_run elif ct.is_fill_compute_el(el): # FillCompute to Run = self._fc_run else: raise exceptions.LenaTypeError( "element {} must implement run method ".format(el) + "be callable, or be a FillCompute element" ) else: # explicit method name given if el is None: = run # may raise if run is not a string elif callable(getattr(el, run, None)): = getattr(el, run) else: raise exceptions.LenaTypeError( "no callable method {} of {} found".format(run, el) ) self._el = el def _call_run(self, flow): """Implement *run* method for *Call* element.""" for val in flow: yield self._el(val)
[docs] def run(self, flow): """Yield transformed elements from the incoming *flow*."""
# will be redefined in __init__ # for val in flow: # yield self._el(val) def _fc_run(self, flow): """Implement *run* method for *FillCompute* element. First, *fill* is called for the whole flow, after the *flow* is exhausted, *compute* is called. """ for arg in flow: self._el.fill(arg) results = self._el.compute() return results
[docs]class SourceEl(object): """Adapter to provide *__call__()* method. Name of the actually called method can be customized during the initialization. The :meth:`__call__()` method is a generator, which yields values. It doesn't accept any input flow. """ def __init__(self, el, call=_SENTINEL): """Element *el* must contain a callable method *__call__* or be callable itself. If *call* function or method name is not provided, it is checked whether *el* is callable itself. If :class:`SourceEl` failed to instantiate with *el* and *call*, :exc:`~lena.core.LenaTypeError` is raised. """ _init_callable(self, el, call)
[docs] def __call__(self): """Yield generated values.""" # This fix is needed only for a special method, # # Methods with other names will be monkey-patched correctly. return self._call() # pylint: disable=no-member